BASS 1.3.1 (2023-07-04)
- vignette now static to decrease CRAN burden
- other CRAN changes
BASS 1.3.0
- new "jeffreys" option for prior for basis coefficients
- new function calibrate.basisBasis for modular calibration
- sobol effects bug fix
BASS 1.2.4
- vectorize standardization in predict.bass
- tempering, decorrelation, adaptive MCMC, etc, for more robust calibration
BASS 1.2.3
- add nugget option to predict.bass
BASS 1.2.2 (2020-09-07)
- remove dependency on depricated wtmsa package and remove wavelet example
- add reference to JSS paper
BASS 1.2.1
- change dependency from gsl to hypergeo so that the user does not need gsl
BASS 1.2.0 (2020-05-06)
- Sobol getEffects option added
- changed how Wallenius' noncentral hypergeometric density is calculated (in R rather than C++ from BiasedUrn)
- various bug fixes
BASS 1.1.2
- added unit tests for prediction and Sobol decomposition for various validated models
- added ability to write models to JSON, and read models from JSON (later removed)
- various options added to existing functions
- existing function bassOB renamed to bassBasis
BASS 1.1.1
- added non-uniform prior support for continuous variables in Sobol decomposition
BASS 1.1.0
- fixed bug in acceptance ratios
- added support for BASS in principal component space, including Sobol decomposition
BASS 0.2.3
- added a lower bound parameter for the prior on s2 (the error variance)
BASS 0.2.2 (2017-03-17)
- added print and summary methods for bass objects
BASS 0.2.1
- added "small" parameter to allow for smaller memory footprint
- removed uses of timestamp to avoid a bug in Rstudio on Windows
- corrected example to use temperatures rather than inverse temperatures, and to match vignette
BASS 0.2.0 (2017-01-11)
- vignette added
- argument changes
- temp.ladder now refers to temperatures rather than inverse temperatures
- Bug fixes:
- Sobol index rounding for functional case
- Handling responses in a dataframe
- Error handling for w1 or w1 equal to 0
- Documentation updates
- Changed input names a.beta.prec and b.beta.prec from the g-prior to a.tau and b.tau
BASS 0.1.0 (2016-12-16)